Gold Gourami – Trichogaster trichopterus Care Guide

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This fish has become increasingly popular since its debut on the market in 1970.

Its mild temperament and vibrant gold and orange coloring make it a great addition to the appropriate community tank.

Gold Gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus) is a freshwater fish belonging to the Osphronemidae family. They are also known as Three Spot Gourami as they are a color morph of the same species.

While the gold gourami is a variation of the three spot gourami, it lacks the distinctive spots on its body.

As a community fish, it can coexist with other species, but it does become more aggressive as it ages.

Quick Facts

Common NameGold Gourami
Scientific NameTrichopodus trichopterus
Lifespan4-6 years
SizeUp to 6 inches long
Tank SizeMinimum of 35 gallons
CompatibilitySimilar size and temperament

Gold Gourami Overview

Gold Gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus) is a freshwater fish belonging to the Osphronemidae family.

The scientific name comes from the three spots on the body of the Three Spot Gourami.

Gold Gourami is captive-bred and commonly available in pet stores and online.

Gold Gourami has a semi-aggressive temperament and can grow up to 6 inches long with a lifespan of 4-6 years.

They are omnivores and prefer shallow water areas with low water flow. In the wild, they can be found in marshes, swamps, and canals.

When setting up a tank for Gold Gourami, a minimum tank size of 35 gallons is recommended with freshwater, plants, and caves.

They are compatible with similar-sized and tempered fish.

Gold Gourami has a labyrinth organ, which allows them to breathe atmospheric air, making them a labyrinth fish.

Gold Gourami

Appearance & Behavior


Gold gouramis are known for their distinct coloration, with a body that can be a deep gold or a bright orange and yellow, with a striped pattern extending along the back.

The coloration can be affected by mood and tank conditions, with stress or poor water quality leading to changes in color.

In general, the gold gourami’s fins are rounded and large, with males having a longer, pointier dorsal fin while the female has a shorter, rounded one.

Gold gouramis can reach up to 6 inches in size but can be smaller depending on the size of your aquarium.


Gold gouramis tend to be more hostile compared to other fish in the gourami family, especially the males.

As they mature and grow in size, they might become more aggressive and start to exhibit behaviors like ramming, attacking, and hunting smaller fish.

While they are semi-aggressive, they can be good community fish with the right tank companions.

Be sure to stock your aquarium with fish of all personality types, but make sure they are of similar size to your gouramis.

Due to their labyrinth organ, gold gouramis can breathe air from the surface of the water as well as through their gills, so they spend a lot of time roaming all areas of the tank.

They are generally slow-moving, so be sure to provide a variety of landscapes like tall plants and caves.

The male gold gourami fish will also use the surface to build bubble nests.

Once the female lays eggs, the bubble nest is used to protect them until they hatch.

Gold gouramis can be territorial, especially towards fish that look like themselves.

For instance, the kissing gourami is aggressive towards fish that look like themselves and can grow to twice the size of gold gourami.

If you have a bully in the tank like kissing gourami, the stress can cause gold gourami to pale or turn black.

Gold Gourami Care

Gold gouramis are a great choice for beginner fish keepers because they are hardy and easy to care for.

They can tolerate varying oxygen levels, water temperature, and pH, making them resilient to changes in tank conditions.

To prevent diseases like fin rot and hole in the head, make sure your aquarium is not overcrowded and has good water quality.

Gold gouramis are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including live, flaked, or freeze-dried options.

Overall, gold gouramis are a friendly and low-maintenance addition to any aquarium.

Tank Requirements

Water Parameters

When setting up a tank for your gold gourami, it is important to consider the water parameters that will ensure their health and happiness.

Three spot gouramis, from where the gold gourami has morphed from, are native to Southeast Asia where the water is calm and has a variety of plant life, so it is important to mimic this environment in your tank.

Maintaining the right pH level is crucial for the survival of your gold gourami.

Keep the pH level between 6 and 8, which is neutral, to prevent their skin from burning.

The water temperature should be between 73° to 82° F, which is ideal for breeding.

To ensure your gold gourami thrives in their tank, use a heater to maintain the water temperature.

Gold Gourami Tank Size

Tank Décor

Gold gouramis need ample space to swim around, so it is important to choose the right tank size.

A minimum of 35 gallons is required for happy gourami, and you should also consider the size and number of companion fish you’ll have in the tank.

To mimic their natural habitat, decorate your tank in a way that resembles a marsh or swamp.

Provide your gold gourami with an abundance of hiding places, shallow vegetation, and floating plants.

This will give them plenty of room to explore and find cover.

However, make sure to leave room at the surface so they can breathe air.

When setting up your tank, consider using a filter with a gentle to moderate water flow.

Gold gouramis do not like environments with a strong current, so a sponge filter is a good option.

Regular water changes and proper filtration will help maintain the water conditions in your tank, which is essential for the health and happiness of your gold gourami.

Gold gouramis are jumpers, hence it is advisable to have a well-fitted lid on your tank to prevent them from jumping out.

Suitable Tank Mates

When choosing tank mates for your gold gourami, it’s important to consider their slow-moving nature and avoid highly active fish that may chase or nip at them.

Good companions include peaceful fish like plecos, cherry barbs, and mystery snails that have similar personalities and requirements.

However, avoid fin-nippers like tiger barbs and blue tetras as gold gouramis have larger fins.

As they mature, gouramis may become more aggressive towards smaller prey in the tank, so steer clear of any species under 4 inches in size, including dwarf shrimp and other small fish.

Keep in mind these tips when creating a community tank with your gold gourami.

Gold Gourami fish

Diet and Feeding

Gold gouramis are omnivores, which means they can eat both vegetables and meat.

To keep them healthy, it’s important to provide a balanced diet that includes both plant-based and protein-rich foods.

Flake food and pellets should form the base of their diet, with a variety of brands to choose from.

You can supplement their diet with fresh vegetables like zucchini, peas, and leafy greens.

Live food such as small fish, dwarf shrimp, and worms make a good treat as well.


Breeding gold gouramis is a simple process that can be done in five easy steps.

First, it is important to make sure that your gouramis are happy and healthy.

Conditioning them with food a few times a day will prime them for breeding.

Additional feeding helps the female fill up with eggs.

Next, set up a breeding tank that is at least 15 gallons and add floating plants and a gentle filter.

Keep the water temperature around 80°F to ensure the ideal breeding conditions.

Add your healthy fish to the breeding tank.

Food for Gold Gourami

The male gourami will build a bubble nest at the surface and attempt to woo the female.

If he is successful, they will mate and the eggs will float to the surface and be captured by the bubble nest.

The male will guard the nest, so it is important to remove the female fish for safety reasons.

Once the eggs start to hatch, remove the male from the breeding tank as well so he doesn’t eat the fry.

Finally, take care of your new fry.

Feed them liquid food until they are large enough to incorporate other food into their diet.

With these simple steps, you can successfully breed gold gouramis in your own home aquarium.

Should You Get a Gold Gourami for Your Aquarium?

In the world of freshwater aquarium fish, the gold gourami truly shines, bringing a radiant gold tone and a pointed dorsal fin that promises to be a centerpiece in any tank.

This species of gourami is known for being a hardy fish, making it a forgiving choice for beginners.

The gold gourami is relatively easy to take care of, requiring no special care, yet bringing a splash of color to your tank, and introducing a calming presence that enhances the overall ambiance.

Whether you are a fan of blue gourami, opaline gourami, or pearl gourami, adding a gold gourami to your setup promises a rewarding and serene fish-keeping experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical lifespan of a gold gourami?

Gold gouramis have a lifespan of 4-6 years on average. However, with proper care and a healthy environment, they can live up to 8 years.

How large can gold gouramis grow?

Gold gouramis can grow up to 4-6 inches in length. Males tend to be larger than females.

Are gold gouramis peaceful fish?

Gold gouramis are generally peaceful fish and can be kept with other peaceful community fish. However, they can become aggressive towards other gouramis or fish that are similar in size and shape.

How does the three-spot gourami differ from the gold gourami, and can they coexist in the same tank?

The three-spot gourami, also known as the blue gourami, shares many characteristics with the gold gourami, a variant known for its bright golden hue. They can coexist in the same tank, given that they have similar requirements for water conditions and diet.

How many gold gouramis should be kept together?

Gold gouramis can be kept in pairs or small groups of 3-5 individuals. It’s important to ensure that the tank is large enough to accommodate multiple fish and that there is enough hiding spaces and territories for each fish.

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Irma Bense is the founder of She has over 42 years of experience in keeping fish.She has kept both freshwater and saltwater fish through the years.She has extensive knowledge in breeding numerous species of fish from Show Guppies, Cory Catfish, German Blue Rams to Apistogrammas.You can learn more about Irma on the 'About' page.

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